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San Francisco CA


Season 1 - Episode 8 - Is social media primarily guided by economic forces?

We look at the three phases of the history of the social media wave: laisser-faire, basic legal regulation, followed by core questions about the rapport between market actors. But we soon see that it's really economic views which guide most of those phases, not the moral imperative of answering how do we look at the value to society, and intrinsic quality of the content exchanged.

EU Article 17 (previously 13): coverage by Reed Smith - article by Wired Magazine - Mondaq coverage - Taylor & Francis Online

France first steps about Article 17: coverage by TechDirt - and Ars Technica coverage

France and Dutch first steps: coverage by Communia

UK will not follow suit on Article 17: BBC coverage

US Senate sub-committee is research and observation mode: coverage by IP Watchdog